Start: Today, it’s very easy to fall prey while online to data theft, information eavesdropping or phishing, identity theft, and several other types of cybercrime. There are reports and updates of online fraud and identity and data theft on a regular basis. And the cyber world has moved fast in creating strategies that safeguard users while online. Many websites today and search engines, in general, make it mandatory for sites to avail of maximum-security arrangements. 5 Major Causes or Rise in Cyber-Related Crime (a). Ease of Access or Poor Security Protocol Wherever there are easy-to-reach or access data storage systems, there is always a high chance of a breach. Poor or weak access credentials, passwords or other login and logout criteria give hackers a chance to break through your security protocols. That is why regularly changing and updating your access passwords is always advisable. (b). Easy Information Manipulation and Evidence Loss Today,...